Healthy Skin Tips for Fall

A good rule of thumb for your seasonal skin care routine is to think of skin care in terms of fashion. In the summer we wear less clothing, and, in turn, use fewer products. Since there is plenty of moisture in the air (at least here in the Southern United States) during the summer, it's not necessary for some to layer on moisture-rich products. However, as cooler, dry air starts to move in during the fall, we begin to add layers of clothing. We should also be adding layers of product to keep skin properly balanced with moisture during this time.

The extreme dryness of winter will affect skin by robbing the skin of the moisture it craves, leaving it chapped, cracked, and not very elastic. But by adding moisturizing products to the daily line up, skin can remain healthy and balanced.

Here are a few tips to help you transition your skin and routine to be welcoming to Fall:

  • Shed your summer skin. Start the season anew by exfoliating your skin and prepping it to be receptive to your new products. Getting a good facial or peel from a trusted aesthetician is a great way to get rid of any dead skin cells, sun damaged skin, or bacteria lurking within pores. Also, our Moisturizing Body Buff helps to smooth out any rough patches on your feet, arms, or legs.
  • Make exfoliation a regular part of your routine. While a good, deep exfoliation at the beginning of the season will help prep your skin, routine exfoliation is important for maintaining its good health. Use a toner with alpha hydroxy acids, like our Fruit Acid Toner, or treat yourself to a periodic mud mask (check out our favorite moisture-rich B Green Mud Mask recipe!), to keep dead skin cells to a minimum and promote healthy new cell and tissue growth. Read more about exfoliation here.
  • Gradually introduce products. When you grab for your first scarf of the season, consider adding a new moisturizer to the mix, too. While you might have gotten away with just wearing our Daytime Antioxidant Serum during the summer, you now might need to add a layer of Tinted Moisturizer or Carrot Facial Dream Cream to help your skin stay hydrated throughout the day. As the temperatures continue to drop, you may have to introduce additional products to your routine, like our B Quenched Facial Oil, to combat the drying air.

 Other tips for healthy skin:

  • Don’t forget the sunscreen. You can get sunburned in the winter, especially if you spend your days out in the reflective snow, so don’t skip the sunscreen when you’re headed outside. You can also add a hat, scarf, and other wintertime accessories to help shield your skin from the sun.
  • Stay hydrated. Feed your skin from the inside by continually drinking water throughout the day. This will help your skin from drying out and help to maintain its elasticity.
  • Moisturize when you first get out of the shower. Instead of drying all the way off, add a layer of lotion, like our Luxe Body Butter while still damp. This will help to “trap” in that extra bit of moisture for your body to absorb. And a side note about showering: opt for a warm shower instead of one that is steamy, hot. Extreme temperatures can strip skin of essential oils and moisture.
  • Plug in a humidifier. Nighttime can be extremely drying thanks to your heater. Adding some moisture to the air through the use of a humidifier will keep you from waking up with parched skin.
  • Consider your location. You know how to take care of your skin at home, but when you hit the road for holiday travel consider your final destination. Do not underestimate the dry air of mountain climates or even in the airplane or hotel room. Pack a Lip Assist, a bottle of B Quenched, or jar of Healing Hand Butter to make sure you're prepared. 
You can also use this seasonal transition to take inventory of your stash of products. Are there any that have exceeded their expiration date? Are there any that have some questionable chemical ingredients? If so, toss them out and replace them with new, good-for-you-products. Also, make sure you update your makeup brushes or give your existing brushes a thorough cleaning. You don't want any summer dirt, bacteria, or product residue lingering around. We always look forward to our seasonal product transition as it gives us good reason to stock up on new products and sometimes discover a new favorite!









    Do u ever give out Samples? And I’m A dietbec Very Very Dry skin Help me!!!

  • Sally B

    Hi Mellissa – We would love some suggestions! Send them to and we’ll be happy to reach out to them. Thanks so much!

  • Mellissa Baker

    Hi there, I love your products but notice that there aren’t any in Australia only NZ. Can I suggest some health food stockists in my area that could be potential stock holders for you?
    It costs too much to shop from New Zealand for us. Hope to hear from you. Mellissa Baker

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