Ocean Month Tips For Ways To Protect Our Oceans

One way to “go green” is to “go blue” and help protect one of our Earth’s most precious resources, water. Oceans, rivers and lakes are all essential and we need to take care of them. We have a list of a few ways you can help every day.

Each year an estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enter the ocean threatening marine life and coastal ecosystems, according to the Ocean Conservancy.

We use ingredients that don't harm water ways. We never used microbeads, parabens or triclosan. We are committed to researching and sourcing ingredients that are safe for our bodies and environment.

Avoid Single Use Plastics

Single use plastics require a lot of energy to create and recycle and they often end up in bodies of water. These include drink bottles, plastic bags, utensils for takeout, straws and other items like coffee creamers. You can use reusable drink bottles, reusable grocery and produce bags, sets of travel utensils, refuse straws and ask for fresh cream. We are trying to do our part too. We have changed to more glass packaging and have a recycling program for the plastic we use.


Use natural sunscreens that are reef safe. Chemicals (oxybenzone and octinoxate) in sunscreen harm coral reefs, fish, marine invertebrates and marine mammels, according to Surfrider Foundation.

Fertilizers and Pesticides

There are harmful chemicals in fertilizers and pesticides used in farms and gardens. The chemicals make their way into bodies of water from rain, run off and being washed down drains. These chemicals harm fish, shellfish, coral and other life in bodies of water and increase the acidification in oceans. You can opt for not using fertilizers and supporting organic practices and farms.
“When pesticides enter aquatic systems, the environmental costs can be high. Unintentional pesticide-related fish kills occur throughout the United States. Some of these kills have been large, involving thousands of fishes, as well as frogs, turtles, mussels, water birds, and other wildlife.” - Virginia Cooperative Extension - Pesticides and Aquatic Animals: A Guide to Reducing Impacts on Aquatic Systems


When species of fish become popular and there is high demand from consumers, it can create an imbalance in marine ecosystems. You can use guides to help determine the most sustainable fish to eat by state like the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch.

More ideas

Carbon pollution is absorbed by water. You can walk more, drive less and buy local food. What we do inland still affects oceans and it affects our local rivers and lakes. We can all help. These are a few organizations where you can learn more.
Surfrider Foundation
Ocean Conservancy
Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch

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